Gary McPherson
Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
LUKE 12:27
I discovered my love of art, and had a penchant for detail drawing by the time I was about 10 years old. I really enjoyed drawing portraits with just pencils, and smooth white cardboard. That love of art continues today using either watercolor or oil as I attempt to capture the beauty of both people and nature that surrounds us.
In November of 2018, our studio, home, and many of my original paintings were lost in the fire that destroyed Paradise, CA. However, my wife and I are looking at life and the beauty of nature through a refreshed lens.
There is hope, love, and beauty from God that surrounds life everywhere. We hope to capture some of that feeling on canvas and inspire others to look at life’s adventures in the same way.